Coin worry free app

An intelligent and flexible crypto financial service platform provides users with products and services such as asset allocation, yield enhancement and risk hedging. We hope users can achieve long-term returns and differentiated asset allocation through this App in the ever-changing crypto financial market.

"Click new, online buy" function
Feature revenue enhancement products

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High yield customized financial management

A variety of products with high income and low risk are available for special personnel to customize financial management.

Featured revenue enhancing products

Provide financial products that pursue excess returns to meet the risk needs of different investors.

Institutional trading services

The world's top three exchanges provide trading support, fully ensure trading security and enjoy institutional services.

Smart security Wallet

It adopts the industry-leading account co management mechanism and 24-hour intelligent risk control of account wallet to ensure capital security.

Personal customization: one-stop service platform

Longcheng fund as a one-stop encrypted asset financial service platform , it can not only provide investors with standardized encrypted asset financial products and services, Provide professional services such as access, transaction, financial management and algorithm execution of encrypted assets. With advanced quantitative trading strategy, machine learning algorithm and big data real-time flow meter Longcheng fund is also a pioneer in the asset management, enterprise level asset custody scheme and zero trust security practice Individuals, exchanges, mining pools, token issuers, hedge funds and other institutions Provide in-depth customized services to help users realize differentiated asset allocation and Long term value-added.

Multiple customized financial management helps increase the value of crypto assets
Intelligent algorithm trading, Unicom whole market liquidity

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Multiple customized financial management

Boost encryption asset appreciation


Flexible allocation of account funds

Realize transaction while financing


Intelligent algorithm transaction

China Unicom's whole market liquidity


Low threshold cloud computing power mining

Meet value investment needs